Anthony Weiner Videos

Weiner - Official Trailer

2,432 Views | 2:25 | Uploaded on Jun 29, 2016

The official trailer for the documentary Weiner gives us a personal look into the 2013 political scandal involving Anthony Weiner. The trailer opens with Weiner on a bike as an unknown woman asks him, "Why are they filming you? Are you somebody I'm supposed to know?" As you may or may not know, Weiner ruined his marriage to one of Hilary Clinton's closest advisors, Huma Abedin, with sexts of, yes, his weiner, to six different women over a course of three years.

He announces to an audience, "Today, I am renouncing my resignation from Congress." As he is hounded by media and attempting to save face in interviews, he is asked, "Why should we trust your judgment?" As if preparing himself for interviews, Anthony says to no one in particular, "I am profoundly sorry, and for that, I am profoundly sorry."

As people look down on his behavior, in quick clips we are shown Anthony trying to work through his situation. "This is the worst. Doing a documentary of my scandal," he says. You may be right Anthony, but at least we can enjoy it.


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