Black Panther - User Reviews

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3.50 / 5

User rating: 3.50

Based on 8498 votes and 1633 reviews

  • User rating: 3.50 60.61%
  • User rating: 3.50 1.82%
  • User rating: 3.50 0.68%
  • User rating: 3.50 1.01%
  • User rating: 3.50 35.88%

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Showing 451 to 500 of 1633

User review rating: 5 March 22, 2018

Great film which ends positively

User review rating: 1 March 22, 2018

An inferior version of what Black Panther really is in the comics.

User review rating: 1 March 22, 2018

Weak. Too long, and badly cast.

User review rating: 5 March 22, 2018


User review rating: 5 March 22, 2018


User review rating: 1 March 22, 2018

Wow... how is this movie not being protested. The BLM should be all over it for racial stereotyping and especially the fraud being portrayed when the country of Wakanda clearly has the ability to become a world dominance but choose to hide their advanced technology so they can continue to get financial support. (Wow). How are the comic fans not rebelling against this snore fest, how are movie goers not rebelling against the cost of admission for 20 minutes of content. I napped in the middle of it. Could have done that at home.

User review rating: 5 March 22, 2018

Just fantastic.

User review rating: 5 March 22, 2018


User review rating: 5 March 22, 2018

I can’t wait for the sequel.

User review rating: 5 March 22, 2018

Better than anything this year.

User review rating: 5 March 21, 2018

Sooooo good!!

User review rating: 1 March 21, 2018

This movie is like snail racing. You can leave for half an hour and upon returning, haven't missed anything. When I actually did get up to exit the theater I was thrilled that my legs worked and hadn’t fallen asleep as had most of the neurons in my brain.

User review rating: 1 March 21, 2018

Could have been a classic worthy of sitting beside the rest of Marvels movies but failed miserably.

User review rating: 5 March 21, 2018

I think it's a little difficult to agree with all these one star reviews. Yes the plot was generic and it felt like a character building movie rather than a plot movie, however, the depth of the film was original. It touched on themes that not many people want to acknowledge or refuse to recognize because of arrogance. It's an aesthetically pleasing movie to watch, the music was phenomenal, and if you thought this movie was great but liked Spiderman: Homecoming.. I have news for you :) You're a hypocrite cause it was pretty much the same thing

User review rating: 5 March 21, 2018

A fun, action film. It is what I expected to see when I went in. Not disappointed.

User review rating: 5 March 21, 2018

entertaining - good message, visuals and action.

User review rating: 1 March 21, 2018

A movie that's more style than substance.

User review rating: 5 March 21, 2018


User review rating: 5 March 21, 2018

Wow, this was such an amazing, action packed, deep story/message movie. A must see as you discover another Marvel superhero. All the hatred/dislike of closed minded people-wake up. Something can be learned by everyone.

User review rating: 5 March 21, 2018

FANTASTIC MOVIE! IGNORE THE RATINGS! I saw it 4 times, and each time I see how it far exceeds most action movies! Go see it and STAY FOR THE TWO ENDINGS! Do not leave after the first ending!

User review rating: 5 March 21, 2018

Best movie ever!!

User review rating: 1 March 21, 2018

A good portion of the movie could have been cut without affecting the story. As it was, the unnecessary length made the kids fidgety until they began complaining they wanted to go home.

User review rating: 1 March 21, 2018

I wanted to see Black Panther on the big screen despite being warned not to pay for it so can't complain as this travesty unfolded before me.

User review rating: 1 March 21, 2018

The beginning and end was decent but the rest of the plodding movie doesn't belong in the Marvel Universe. Hopefully they will correct this for the sequel.

User review rating: 1 March 21, 2018

A movie mired by its own hypocrisy and misplaced self importance.

User review rating: 5 March 20, 2018

Wow I was very impressed! I have never read the comics and had no expectations but I was very happy that I went. All around good movie.

User review rating: 5 March 20, 2018

Best movie I have seen in a long time! Ignore the ratings as it is too good to miss!

User review rating: 5 March 20, 2018

Love love loved it!!!! Excellent movie, wonderful story line, and I am excited to see it again! I don't understand the low ratings as all my friends and family loved It!

User review rating: 1 March 20, 2018

If DC created this movie I'd expect it to be mediocre but was unpleasantly surprised with how it dragged on and on.

User review rating: 1 March 20, 2018

If you are a fan of the comics you will be disappointed.

User review rating: 1 March 20, 2018

The only reason I saw this show is because Danai Gurira of the Walking Dead is in it. She's OK in this movie. I just did not like the movie . Too much talking and not much substance.

User review rating: 1 March 20, 2018

I am seriously upset about all the hype this movie is getting. I watched it last night and it was not good. I think it is doing well because Millions in tickets were donated to black kids in poor areas to be able to see the show. This does not reflect the true numbers of how many people bought tickets for themselves.

User review rating: 5 March 20, 2018

Enjoyed every minute of this movie, it was full of action I never knew what was going to happen next. The technology was the best I have ever seen and the storyline was written very well. I’m going back to see it and this time I’m taking my grandson

User review rating: 1 March 20, 2018

Completely forgettable.

User review rating: 5 March 20, 2018

I love this movie

User review rating: 1 March 19, 2018

Not much of a movie. I took my kids expecting action and instead it was a lot of talking. It was not really a drama or a superhero movie or even action. It was a little of everything but not really combining into anything. It`s mediocre at best. I went hoping to see another Captain America or even another hulk or something, but this was, I don`t know, just not it.

User review rating: 5 March 19, 2018

The movie was excellent! It was well made! it explored technology that far beyond the expected norm.

User review rating: 4 March 19, 2018

I loved seeing the power and respect given to the women in the movie. I really enjoyed the car chases and fight sequences. I felt it also taught a lesson about the fruitless pursuit of revenge versus forgiveness.

User review rating: 5 March 19, 2018

Action, finally African Americans are really showing their Gifted Talents.

User review rating: 1 March 19, 2018

If every superhero movie were like this one, we would have no need for sleeping aids.

User review rating: 1 March 19, 2018

38.67% can't be wrong can they? The paid five star guy is off his meds today. Please ask yourself, if this movie were five star, then what of Million Dollar Baby? Gone With The Wind? Lord of the Rings? West Side Story? Amadeus? Gandhi? It's a badly done superhero flick that makes Green Lantern look like Patton. I suppose this is a result of today's education system. The shiniest thing is now the bestest thingy.

User review rating: 5 March 19, 2018


User review rating: 1 March 19, 2018

When you look at the options for movies these days, it's amazing that not all the theaters have boarded up shop yet. Black Panther, then Wrinkle in time? Red Sparrow? How about we just take a winter vacation and stop showing movies when there is evidently no good ideas to be had save for the bastardization of existing stories?

User review rating: 1 March 19, 2018

Insipid crap that's only good for the addle minded, or the guy who posts 5 star reviews all day.

User review rating: 1 March 19, 2018

Boseman says Trump should either listen to him or resign. That's the mindset of this actor right there. No thanks. Myself? I only listen to smart people, he's not on that list.

User review rating: 1 March 19, 2018

Why does the lead actor have a British accent? Why does Wakanda pretend to be poor, and not share their wealth? Why portray Africa as a Black version of Trump's America? Why have pointless scenes that don't connect or develop the story? Why make a superhero movie all talk?

User review rating: 1 March 19, 2018

I wish this movie was at least half as good as the hype. But the reality is, no one is talking about it. No one is going to it several times, and no one is really watching this thing. Every buzz is fed from the media down to the plebs. I saw this, and wondered why? It's slow, boring, talk, talk talk, and even the casting leaves you wondering are there no better actors around? It's a one star through and through, and the ticket sales are largely driven by block buys for poor communities.

User review rating: 5 March 18, 2018

My sister took me to see this movie when I went to visit her last month. Since I have been back, I have taken two of my friends to see it. They loved it. Each time, I saw some little detail I missed before. Great Marvel movie, will look forward to the sequel.

User review rating: 3 March 18, 2018

Mediocre, not great, not horrible. Didn't live up to the hype.

User review rating: 5 March 18, 2018

I reject the critics who say all the characters are one dimensional. I believe the Black Panther himself ha good character development and there were others also.

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