Clara et moi

Clara et moi Movie Poster

Idealistic and perpetually dissatisfied, 33-year-old Antoine is searching for the love of his life. His easygoing nature masks his loneliness. Then one day, Antoine meets Clara: she's beautiful, generous and has an air of freedom about her that makes Antoine instantly fall for her. They were made for one another.

But the life isn't that simple and they will have to face tests for which they may not be prepared...

Director: Arnaud Viard
Studio: Pyramide Films
Producer(s): Laurent Lavolé, Isabelle Pragier, Benoit Habert, Phillippe Portier
Cast: Julien Voisselier, Julie Gayet, Michel Aumont, Sacha Bourdo, Antoine Duléry, Pascale Arbillot
Writer(s): Arnaud Viard
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