The Day I Was Not Born

The Day I Was Not Born Movie Poster

At the airport in Buenos Aires en route to Santiago, a German swimmer named Maria hears a mother quietly sing a lullaby to her child. Shocked that she knows the words despite not being able to speak Spanish, she decides to spend a few days in the capital of Argentina. Upon hearing the news, her father Anton comes from Germany to join her. Reluctantly, he tells her she was born in this country more than 30 years ago and that after the death of her parents during the military dictatorship, he and his wife adopted her. This revelation prompts Maria to trace the members of her biological family, and along the way, she uncovers other troubling secrets of her past.

Director: Florian Micoud Cossen
Studio: Cinéma du Parc
Producer(s): Jochen Laube, Fabian Maubach
Cast: Jessica Schwarz, Michael Gwisdek, Rafael Ferro, Beatriz Spelzini
Writer(s): Florian Micoud Cossen, Elena von Saucken
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