The Notebook - User Reviews

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4.04 / 5

User rating: 4.04

Based on 104008 votes and 777 reviews

  • User rating: 4.04 73.41%
  • User rating: 4.04 1.47%
  • User rating: 4.04 2.53%
  • User rating: 4.04 1.01%
  • User rating: 4.04 21.58%

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User review rating: 0 August 06, 2004

The Notebook was absolutely stunning,- acting, storyline, costumes and scenery. The actresses and actors were extremely incredible. We need more movies like this in our highly stressful world. Ryan and Rachel were unreal...would love to see them in another movie together!

User review rating: 0 August 06, 2004

I Lvoed it and im a straight male but i still loved it who ever hasn`t seen it please go see it you won`t regret it.

User review rating: 0 August 06, 2004

I was so amazed by this movie. I read the book first and then went to see the movie. While reading the book, I did cry in the last chapter. I wasn`t sure what to expect because some movies can be so different from the actual novels from which they come from. The love story was more magical than Titanic and more real. You could feel the love that Noah has for Allie and every woman that watches this movie will hope that they are able to experience that type of love in their lifetime. You see throughout Noah`s life how he is trying to overcome the loss of Allie, but he never gets over it. This is a must movie for anybody that wants to really exp

User review rating: 0 August 05, 2004


User review rating: 0 August 05, 2004

The Best Movie of all. I think that there is no better love story. It is amazing and so sweet. I saw it about 10 times and i cant wait till it comes on video.

User review rating: 0 August 05, 2004

I wonderful to think that there can still be a love so great out there. Thanks for making the movie there.

User review rating: 0 August 04, 2004

I Loved That Movie It`s The Best Movie I Have Ever Seen!!!

User review rating: 0 August 04, 2004

IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! I and my two g/f`s were just bawling....!!!! Take your man with you girls...there were guys there and they were even crying.

User review rating: 0 August 04, 2004

I cried for the last hour of the movie...and then some! It was absolutely amazing, by far the most romantic and touching film I have ever seen. The actors did a terrific job and worked together so well! Way to go Canadians! Definitly a must see movie

User review rating: 0 August 04, 2004

It was A-MAZ-ING! Sad but sooo good.

User review rating: 0 August 04, 2004

Its an AWESOME movie!!! Ryan Gosling is SO amazing and Rachel McAdams is my new favorite actress!

User review rating: 0 August 04, 2004

Not a dry eye in the theatre

User review rating: 0 August 04, 2004

The best movie Ever!!!! I love Ryan Gossling and his chemestry with Mcadams was...electrifying!!! (Sorry about the spelling)

User review rating: 0 August 03, 2004

i wish i could meet ryan gosling.. he is so cute. i love the way he talks and he is only a few years older than me..te hee... rachel mcadams is so gorgeous i loved her red lipstick in the movie.. she was a perfect actress with ryan.. good luck in upcoming movies.. hope ryan and rachel do more movies together.

User review rating: 0 August 03, 2004

It was very predictable, none-the-less, i enjoyed it very much. A love story to remember. The shedded tears in the theatre by many was because this movie reminded each of us of loves lost throughout our lives. Glad two Canadians made the pic, great casting!

User review rating: 0 August 03, 2004

AMMMAAAZZING!! ryan is sooo hot! cant wait to buy it!

User review rating: 0 August 03, 2004

THE NOTEBOOK is the best film of 2004!!! without a doubt!! Ryan Gosling is GORGEOUS!!!!

User review rating: 0 August 03, 2004

omg i LOVE this movie, i cant wait for it to come out on dvd im gonna buy it and watch it everyday! cutest/saddest movie ever!!!

User review rating: 0 August 02, 2004

O My God... this movie , was the best love story I have seen in years... Ever since I saw the previews for this, I have have been longing to see it, and when I did..I was satisfied completely,It was everying, if not more, that I expected it to be. The characters were drawn out beautifully, I could really feel the chemistry between the two lead actors,"Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, they played the parts of Noah and Ally perfectly in my oppinion. Anyway.. this movie is not just a chick flick either, I brought my boyfriend to go with me, and he enjoyed it too, he didn`t cry mind you, like I did, but he thought it was a great love sto

User review rating: 0 August 02, 2004

This movie made me cry so much. I didnt even want to see is. My best friend forced me to. And i LOVED IT SOOOO MUCH. Its hard to find true love like that. And its hard to find guys like that in real life. Too bad its not like that in reality. The leading actor and actress are C-A-N-A-D-I-A-N! im sooo proud. Ryan gosling used to play in Breaker High. Its a tv show. I used to watch it allll the time. He also played in herculez on tv series. I used to watch it also. And now he made his way in Hollywood. I wish him the VERY best. And the leading girl that is also canadian. I think she played her role VERY well. And WOW what a transformation from

User review rating: 0 August 02, 2004

This movie was awesome!!!! I`m sure glad there are some wonderful canadian celebs in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 August 02, 2004

There is nothing surprising or unpredictable about this film... but it was truly a wonderful movie. I thought Ryan Gosling did an amazing job - he fit the role perfectly (especially since I`m only accustomed to seeing him on YTV`s Breaker High and Hercules, lol); Rachel McAdam`s was great as well. I wasn`t too thrilled when the storyline shifted to the older couple though, it would have been best to extend scenes between the younger lovers. Other than that, it was an emotional, heartwarming film that makes you believe in love. Can`t wait til it comes out on DVD!

User review rating: 0 August 01, 2004

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams have perfect chemistry. I cried so hard because it was such an effective movie. Loved it to bits! The duck/boat scene was beautiful and made me so happy!!!

User review rating: 0 August 01, 2004


User review rating: 0 August 01, 2004

amazing..cried alot!

User review rating: 0 August 01, 2004

I thought that the Note Book was the best love storie i have ever seen in my life! Right now it is my favorite movie! I loved how the plot was in the olden days, and then how it was now a days! i loved all the characters! i just thnk then Notebook was the best love story!

User review rating: 0 August 01, 2004

it was a great romantic movie "i went to see it 2 times".

User review rating: 0 July 31, 2004

aBSOLUTELY FABULOUS!! Cried a river...gripping love story.

User review rating: 0 July 31, 2004

I CRIED.. its so sad. it was amazing.. one of my favourite stories by Mr Sparks.

User review rating: 0 July 31, 2004

Iloved it both the book and the movie where great

User review rating: 0 July 30, 2004

It was the most terrific love story i`ve seen on screen. It was my first time to actually watch a love story movie. The actors/actresses knew their key role and played it well. It reminds me of me and my boyfriend and how our relationship is just something like that except me not being engaged to someone else. hehe lol. ciao 4 now. a big fan of the movie The Notebook.

User review rating: 0 July 30, 2004

I read the book years ago and then I read it again before I went to see the movie. I think the book is a little better but I really loved the movie. The only thing that I thought could have been done better was James Garner. I thought a better person to play the older Noah would have been someone like Paul Newman. It wasn`t believable to me that younger Noah would someday look like older Noah.

User review rating: 0 July 30, 2004

i usually dont like seeing romantic movies but i loved this!

User review rating: 0 July 30, 2004

I loved it !!!!!!!!!!!!! Beatiful views , Great job on acting, good direction+ good story, vary dramatic.

User review rating: 0 July 30, 2004

It is the most incedibley belivable romantic movie I have ever seen, I have never ever cried during a movie; out of all the movies i c with my friends, i`m always the one with dry eyes...but i cried; the acting was almost as believable as gone with the wind, or any of the classics i love...everyone should c it!

User review rating: 0 July 29, 2004

its fabulously fantatic ... it was a great movie mate.....

User review rating: 0 July 29, 2004

Saw it with my girlfriend, and she cried. Then I had to drag my best friend to it, and he cried. How often does a movie like this come along? All there is these days is lousy romantic comedies such as Gigli and Two Weeks Notice. The Notebook had some humorous times, but overall, it was just a love story, which made it great. Give Rachel McAdams credit... from Mean Girls to Notebook.... good diversity in roles.

User review rating: 0 July 28, 2004

What a lovely movie! I love it!

User review rating: 0 July 28, 2004

i think this movie was the best movie i have ever seen ...i was so thrilled with it i cried through the hole movie and didnt want it to end ...i;`ve seen this movie twice already and defenetly think it is now my favourite movie out there and i recommend every1 to see it is such a great way to use your money. what a great story line. i think there should be more movies out there like "the notebook"

User review rating: 0 July 28, 2004

I hated it. It was seriously the longest movie ever, or at least thats whow it felt.

User review rating: 0 July 28, 2004

It was absolutely incredible. i have never cried more for such a fantastic love story!

User review rating: 0 July 27, 2004

I loved it! I loved the way the actors were all into the movie and i was just in tears! My boyfriend and i saw it and we were both so into the movie!!! It was beautiful,amazing,and just WOW. It`s the best love story I have ever heard of.

User review rating: 0 July 27, 2004

a BEAUTIFUL movie. a wonderful love story that is very rare in todays world.

User review rating: 0 July 26, 2004

I honestly think The Notebook is the best movie I have ever seen in a LONG time, to the point where I think it passes the Titanic. The romance between Rachel and Ryan was INCREDIBLE. I felt like I wasn`t watching a movie, instead I was standing in front of them witnessing their every move. AMAZING MOVIE!!! I`m gonna definately buy it when it comes out, and if you`re reading this, and you didn`t see the movie.... GO NOW!!! excellent movie, genius

User review rating: 0 July 26, 2004

Breathtakingly Beautiful. I am not a sucker for love stories, but this one blew my mind and dove deep into my heart. The storyline and the acting between the elderly couple was weak, but the rest of the movie was FANTASTIC! Great Date-Movie...even guys will enjoy the depth and movement of the story...

User review rating: 0 July 26, 2004

i thought this movie was amazing...i cant believe it when people tell me that didnt couldnt u...this is an amazing story about true love...awww I LOVED IT!!!

User review rating: 0 July 25, 2004

I thought the Notebook was a OK movie . The romance was kinda unbelievable though, in one scene they barely know each other and in the next they are in "love". I especially thought the writers must think audience was dumb when at the end of the movie , a younger James Garner (with black hair ) was supposed to be a older Ryan Gosling (who has dirty blonde hair )!!. The ending was sad , I`ll grant you that. But, I definitely don`t think this movie was Titanic or Gone with the Wind. Good movie but, dissapointing next to "A Walk to Remember".

User review rating: 0 July 24, 2004

Excellent Love Story... A True Romance

User review rating: 0 July 24, 2004

it was a excellent. i would see it over and over and over again.

User review rating: 0 July 24, 2004


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