Harrison Ford returns to Indiana Jones set after injury

Published By Tribute on Oct 13, 2021

Harrison Ford as Indiana JonesAfter suffering a shoulder injury while rehearsing a fight scene for Indiana Jones 5 back in June, Harrison Ford, 79, finally has returned back to set after almost three months of recovery in London.

Disney released a statement regarding Harrison's injury earlier this year, which read, "In the course of rehearsing for a fight scene, Harrison Ford sustained an injury involving his shoulder. Production will continue while the appropriate course of treatment is evaluated, and the filming schedule will be reconfigured as needed in the coming weeks."

A source on the set of the film told The Blast, "Everyone's relieved to see him back and fighting fit. It's been a long ten-week wait for him and the crew. Filming has been held up but hopefully, now it can get back on track."

Earlier this week Harrison was seen in Sicily taking photos in full costume with fans who were dressed up as Indy, with one dressed as Sean Connery's Professor Henry Jones from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Steven Spielberg was originally supposed to direct the upcoming Indiana Jones film, but has been replaced by director James Mangold. This is the first time in the franchise's history that Spielberg has not been the director.

Mangold expressed his excitement on taking the helm of an Indiana Jones film in a press release earlier this year: "I’m thrilled to be starting a new adventure, collaborating with a dream team of all-time great filmmakers. Steven, Harrison, Kathy, Frank, and John are all artistic heroes of mine. When you add Phoebe [Waller-Bridge], a dazzling actor, brilliant creative voice and the chemistry she will undoubtedly bring to our set, I can't help but feel as lucky as Indiana Jones himself."

The film was originally scheduled to be released on July 29, 2022, but due to production delays brought on by the pandemic and Harrison's injury it is likely to be rescheduled. A new release date is still to be announced. ~Sean Olegario

Comments & Discussion

  1. TD • 10/14/2021 12:34:24 PM

    Chris Pratt should be the next Indiana Jones not Harrison Ford. With all due respect I am a big fan of Harrison Ford's movies I have seen almost all of them more than once. However he is nearing 80 years of age it's time to put away his whip, it's the right thing to do. If this movie still comes into the big screen with Ford as the main star I will give it a hard pass.

  2. Judith Slocum • 10/14/2021 7:01:08 PM

    Well, it will, and it'll be your loss, do stay home.

  3. Mike • 10/15/2021 4:08:03 AM

    They should stop this nonsense. Ford is an old man now. Can we not jeopardize his safety for what in all likelihood will be a terrible movie??

  4. Joan • 10/17/2021 3:08:43 PM

    Harrison Ford will always be Indiana Jones. He is as wonderful now as he was when the series first started. He is not an old man, as you stated. His acting abilities far supersede his age. I’m so looking forward to this movie. Harrison is just Great…… Yes……I’m old. Not too old to appreciate the wonderful performance Harrison will give.

  5. Pat • 10/17/2021 4:46:01 PM

    Ford is definitely an old man and too old for this kind of thing. He's 79 for god's sake.

  6. Willie • 10/17/2021 8:29:02 PM

    Easy on the name calling. Harrison Ford can stop anytime he feels like it. Right now.... He doesn't feel like it. Be calm & Carry on Indy Han, I'll go see any movie you put out.....Reguardless of your age.

  7. Olivia • 10/17/2021 10:01:54 PM

    As Indy himself said to Marian in Raiders of the Lost Ark: "It's not the years, it's the miles.:

  8. Janet • 10/18/2021 12:08:59 AM

    I can only wish at 80yrs to still have the gusto to continue doing something I'm good at & Harrison Ford is the only choice for Indiana Jones, just as Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie in every Halloween or Keanu Reaves as Neo in the Matrix.. So, yes, do stay home and remember, 80 is only a number..!!

  9. Rudy • 10/18/2021 8:04:48 AM

    I always hate ,when critics bring out the aga card , so what he is over 80, my martial arts teacher is over 80 but he can put some young whining critics in its place ,so instead of using the AGE card in a negative way, Enjoy the movie . I agree with Janet 80 is only a number ..

  10. CDubya • 10/18/2021 2:15:22 PM

    Firstly, if he wants to work and feels up for the job, he certainly can do it! He was hurt in the new Star Wars movies when a hydraulic door crushed his ankle. He healed and pressed on. He has been banged up a lot over the years, but if he still wants to kick a$$ then it's his right to keep entertaining us. Secondly, he's made some major errors flying his plane and if he was going to hurt himself and possibly die, it would be from his flying hobby and not from his film career! Dude is a living screen legend and I would totally see him out as Indy for one last hoorah! Just please be better than Kingdom of the Crappy Skull.

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