Karla - User Reviews

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3.20 / 5

User rating: 3.20

Based on 1568 votes and 45 reviews

  • User rating: 3.20 43.29%
  • User rating: 3.20 10.98%
  • User rating: 3.20 5.79%
  • User rating: 3.20 1.83%
  • User rating: 3.20 38.11%

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User review rating: 0 January 06, 2008

this movie is disgusting, noone should glorify what Karla Homolka did. they should just let the women who were murdered rest in peace.

User review rating: 0 November 16, 2006

This is a great movie. It tells the story of these two sick people, and as far as what have researched on the web, does a great job doing it. There is a lot of controversy surronding this film, but I encourage everyone to see it. Laura and Misha are also great, and the film gives you a lot to think about.

User review rating: 0 May 04, 2006

great true crime drama.Like being there,a fly on the wall.Great acting stylish filmaking. Brilliant.

User review rating: 0 April 28, 2006

I thought this movie was very good. Laura did an amazing acting job. People who say boycott this movie are crazy, everyone is entitled to their opinion but some of the reviews are made buy people who admit they havent seen the movie. It was great I can`t wait until it comes out on dvd. Lots of movies are based on real life events, what makes this one so different?

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2006

Anyone who thought "Karla" portrayed Homulka as a victim must have drawn their conclusions BEFORE they saw this excellent film and then just stubbornly stuck to their guns. Karla portrays HERSELF as a victim. The film allows you to see through her (if you don`t have a predetermined mindset) and suggests that she is perhaps even more evil than Paul.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2006

I Hate the Couple and the Canadian Government for screwing this whole thing up. The Movie tells a story and tells it well, if you saw Karla as a victim then you watched this film with your eyes wide shut. People like this Karla and Paul live here in Canada and that`s what hurts most.

User review rating: 0 February 05, 2006

Incredible recount of what we heard happened!!! Chilling but makes you more aware of the pretty faces and what could be behind them.

User review rating: 0 January 31, 2006

Every "true story" happened somewhere. I wish Canadians would stop whining over this one. Nobody had a problem with Monster being made, or any other "true crime" movie (and there have been MANY over the years). Just because it happened here people are getting all riled up about it and saying it should be banned. Give me a break, it`s a movie. Get over yourselves.

User review rating: 0 January 31, 2006

nobody should benefit from this movie, give the profits to the victums families! overal not a bad film, but not the best!

User review rating: 0 January 29, 2006

I agree that everyone needs to get over the fact that this movie was made and people are choosing to go and see it. After seeing the movie, I really didn`t know what to think. On one hand there was a lot of things in the movie that actually happened, and the movie actually depicted the event as close to the truth as anyone could say happen (besides Karla and Paul because they were the only ones there). For example, the part that shows what exactly happened with Tammy Homolka`s death. The movies version was, I think, pretty realistic. On the other hand, there were parts in the movie that really disgusted me because it was so far from the

User review rating: 0 January 29, 2006

I think this movie makes me alot more aware of predators. And to be completely honest, I liked this movie. It may have victimized Karla, but at the end it warns you that she is still a threat. There`s a book out there on Karla as well, and their making profit. IS there really a difference? I plan on buying this when it comes out.

User review rating: 0 January 29, 2006

Lots of movie are "based on real events" and this is no different. I made the choice to watch and I`m glad I. Laura Prepon was amazing in her role and I think that we will be seeing alot more of her.

User review rating: 0 January 28, 2006

Disturbing. I didn`t c Karla as a victim after seeing this. I was too young when all this was going on to know what happened at the time, so the movie helped me understand a bit more. I know the movie wasn`t done verbatim to what happened, but I get the jist. Very hard to watch, and I will never c it again. But I am glad I watched it. Well made. Well acted. If disturbing was what they were aiming for, then they hit their mark. Well done. I was disturbed when I walked out. Both their incarcirations were too short!!

User review rating: 0 January 27, 2006

I really dont like how everyone is saying ban the movie because if you watch it that means your supporting them. Sometimes people are just curious especially if they have been following the movie. I think watching the movie was both a good and a bad thing. It was good because I wanted to see what had happened. and bad because it was a terrible terrible thing and the way they went into details was so sickning that it honestly felt like you were there. I did not at all feel sorry for Karla and watching the movie made me think her sentence was too short. She was in on the whole thing and she couldve left at any time. She was just as much t

User review rating: 0 January 26, 2006

I`m sure everyone has seen at least one movie about WWII - so I guess you`re sensationalizing the deaths of millions of people and gloriying the accomplishments of the Nazi`s. Movies are movies (in case that`s not obvious). I`ve lived in Burlington my whole life, so I was around for the cream-colour-camaro warnings and everything else. This movie is not an atrocity just because it happened here and not somewhere far away. Quit regurgitating newsroom catch phrases about controversy. At least the killers aren`t making any money.

User review rating: 0 January 26, 2006

A big lie. Not worth spending my hard earned money on! Doesn`t match what we know to be true. Nice attempt at trying to fool the masses. I sure hope the profits of this movie are going to the families who lost their loved ones and not to the killers. Karla clearly could have saved a life and walked away before she was beaten (funny she was able to walk away then but I guess we`re not supposed to actually think, just listen and believe). I don`t think justice was served for Karla and I still hope someday it will be delivered. I give it zero stars, perhaps a negative five stars if I could. Boycot this movie and maybe even the theater that chos

User review rating: 0 January 26, 2006

Poor little Karla........NOT

User review rating: 0 January 25, 2006

Everyone needs to relax. People are not sick for going to see this. There are many more movies out there with the same subject matter and that are just as true as this that people dont complain about. give it up...it was a good, interesting movie...everyone needs to relax...if you want to see, go...i recommend it...if you dont want to then dont...just shut up then!

User review rating: 0 January 25, 2006

i havn`t seen the movie so i can`t say if it should or should not have been made, but i don`t think that people should judge the people who do want or have seen the movie. yes it was a very horriblee thing that happened but people are just curious. i didn`t see or hear people making a big fuss when the books were being released so whats the big deal with a movie? people are going to read and watch these kind of things because they are curious and it interests them.

User review rating: 0 January 25, 2006

People Stop the crying already, Its just a movie. I loved it..

User review rating: 0 January 24, 2006

Haven`t seen the movie and won`t. Just like I didn`t see "Monster". Another couple of films that I didn`t bother with were "Pearl Harbor" and "Titanic". I haven`t seen either one of those movies for the same reason I won`t see "Karla". They are all tragedies that film makers made money from. I am aware that "Karla" was a murderer, NOT a victim, who should be prison for life, and is responsible for her own actions and is just as guilty as Paul Bernardo. I don`t support these kinds of films, but I am not going to judge anyone who sees it, and will not protest it`s release. If you don`t like it.....turn your head.

User review rating: 0 January 24, 2006


User review rating: 0 January 24, 2006

This movie was terrible. I have followed the Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka case from the beginning and this movie portrays Karla to be a victim. It`s absolutely disgusting. I hope people are not fooled by this movie. The bottom line is that this woman took part in rapes and murders and she is now walking the streets of our country as a free woman. And now, there is a movie that is basically saying that she is just as innocent as her victims. I urge anyone that has ONLY watched the movie, to also read the books "Invisible Darkness" and "Lethal Marriage". These books will give you a better understanding of what happened in this case and why K

User review rating: 0 January 24, 2006

Film of the YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 January 23, 2006

can you rate less than one star?

User review rating: 0 January 23, 2006

I agree with the very first comment. Everyone knows what these people did. Why reward some quick buck artists who set out to tell us what we already know? What could possibly make us better or more informed by seeing the movie? Most Canadians probably didn`t know the story of Monster. We know better than to see this.

User review rating: 0 January 23, 2006

There are those who are willing and able to watch or read about true stories of charles manson, john wayne gacy , and ted bundy. These were all real sick murderers but you watch them, out of sheerr curiosity and intrigue. Yes, I admit that Karla and Paul Bernardo were sick and twisted, and did something so disturbing that it bothers you for days. Look at the above mentioned killers, you read about them, possibly watched documentaries or movies about what they did which in most eyes was worse and affected many more families. Why? Curiosity, who did what and how or why. Ya, this happened in Canada and we are proud so be proud but let she/he c

User review rating: 0 January 23, 2006

This wouldn`t be soo bad...if The sickos werent still alive!!! these people are alive...wait til they are dead til you make a movie

User review rating: 0 January 23, 2006

Great movie, go see it.

User review rating: 0 January 22, 2006


User review rating: 0 January 22, 2006

One(1) star is, at least, one(1) star too many. The whole movie, with the exception, of the "quotes" at the end, is PR ploy to try show that Holmoka was an unwitting and unwilling accomplice in the whole sordid affair. Truely, a load of bollocks.

User review rating: 0 January 22, 2006

All of us know what happened. THis movie is from Karlas point of view. They made movies of Charles Manson and Manson family shortly after the murders took place so get over it, this happened 10 years ago. Y would you see the movie, and give it a bad review if you know what happened. Like passion of the christ we all knew the ending

User review rating: 0 January 22, 2006

Saw Karla last night. Thought it was great. Really intresting to see how a woman can become "Karla" I honestly feel bad for her, she is obvioulsy a woman with low self worth, who wanted to be loved so much, that she did these horrible things. From what the moive showed, I honestly feel that had she never met Paul, she would have never become "Karla.

User review rating: 0 January 21, 2006


User review rating: 0 January 21, 2006

It was worst than my mother`s cooking...

User review rating: 0 January 21, 2006

We as Canadians have every right to choose whether we want to see this movie. The movie was made 10 years after the crime. I, for one, did choose to see the movie and will buy it on DVD when it comes out. Instead of calling people sick for watching the movie, why don`t you help cutting down on crime?

User review rating: 0 January 21, 2006

This movie should of never been made. Its an insult to the families

User review rating: 0 January 21, 2006

First of all, to bring justice to the families and victims- the families didn`t even want this movie to be made. Second of all, Eileen Wournos was sentenced to death whereas Karla Homolka got away with muder and is being depicted as a victim when, in fact, she`s a manipulative psychopath. Yes, movies involving serial killers/murders are made frequently; however, in this case, the Canadian Government allowed Karla Homolka to get away with a slap on the wrist. People have the right to see what they want; however, seeing this movie simply allows people to profit from heinous crimes in which families, still, feel completely robbed of their lives

User review rating: 0 January 20, 2006

It`s a movie, it tell`s a story... By watching it does not mean you are supporting the crimes and supporting the murderers. Watch it if you want, don`t watch it if you feel it`s wrong but don`t pass judgement on it being made and on the people who do wanna see the story on big screen.

User review rating: 0 January 20, 2006

people have to understand that it has been 12 years that this tragedy has happened. There are many other true stories out there that people have gone to the theatres to watch. Unfortunately this is such a hot topic right now because Karla was recently released out of prison. They should not have released this movie at this time. The movie should only have been made if Karla was not being set free and if it was 30 years later. Karla coming out of jail opened a wound for the families of the victims, and now with this movie coming out opens a deeper wound. With the death of these girls comes a profit..which should not be done. The industr

User review rating: 0 January 20, 2006

Honestly, i know the situations that actually happened were horrible. But dont rate the movie one star just because of that basis.

User review rating: 0 January 20, 2006

first of all they didn`t make the movie to profit, well they obviously did- but i`m sure that wasn`t their main goal. they made it to show to everyone what occured during that time frame. and to just get the message across. and to bring justice to all the victims and their families.

User review rating: 0 January 20, 2006

Garbage and a travisty to all Canadians. This should never have been made.

User review rating: 0 January 20, 2006

in comments to the previous statement: murders and serial murderers are in the movies daily..not saying that this isnt a heinous crime and in part, i agree but Monster with Charlize Theron was based on the same premise, and there are plenty more to come. This isnt the only movie based on these situations. If you dont want to see it, dont, but dont because you think you`re changing society. Its better for people to understand what went on and base a judgement on that. Good point, but not going anywhere...

User review rating: 0 January 20, 2006

Two sick things here: people who want to profit from such a despicable crime and people who want to connect to this crime in some way by seeing the movie. People talk of freedom when they make movies such as this. We have the freedom not to see it, too. Don`t.

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