Kingdom of Heaven - User Reviews

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4.03 / 5

User rating: 4.03

Based on 12035 votes and 149 reviews

  • User rating: 4.03 73.55%
  • User rating: 4.03 2.39%
  • User rating: 4.03 0.79%
  • User rating: 4.03 0.35%
  • User rating: 4.03 22.93%

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Showing 101 to 149 of 149

User review rating: 0 May 09, 2005

the movie was extremely boring! just a piece of fake, uninspired theatre. the costumes were about the best part of it all. the acting was cheap, especially Orlando`s. I couldn`t get into it, and I don`t recommend it at all.

User review rating: 0 May 09, 2005


User review rating: 0 May 09, 2005

I thought that Kingdom of Heaven was an excellent movie and I enjoyed every minute of it. I thought the Crusades was an excellent topic to do a movie on because these wars are still going on today and will go on forever and most people do not know this. Ridley Scott did an amazing job on the film as well as the actors. I was very impressed with Orlando Bloom`s performance as well as Eva Green, Jeremy Irons, and Liam Neeson. One of my favourite movies!

User review rating: 0 May 09, 2005

As a teacher of world history i was amazed at the insight given us regarding the Leper king and the magnificent role he played, as well as the humanity given to Saladin and the accuracy of his character. As if this wasn`t enough, i felt transported to a new world, rich in visual splendor and sumptuous in its accurate rendition, from warfare to costumes and architectural special effects. I found myself in awe-I willl take my class to see it and they will finally see what i raved about all day today. thanks Ridley for another great film, one which i am sure will become one of my favorites

User review rating: 0 May 09, 2005

a master piece

User review rating: 0 May 09, 2005

"Kingdom of Heaven" is probably about as good a movie as anyone could make about the Crusades. This was a ghastly though vitally important stretch of history when Western civilization, whipped up by religious fervor and bitter poverty, confronted the Muslim world with both the sword and cultural arrogance. - Jonnie "D"

User review rating: 0 May 09, 2005

absolutly magnificant.............cant be fairer and accurate than this..............fighting scenes just to real...i feel i hv just come back from a battle

User review rating: 0 May 09, 2005

Historical details are accurate best movie on the true "Kingdom of Heaven" I ever saw.

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2005

Great Crusade Movie

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2005

Orlando totaly redeemed himself in the battlefield from his cowardice of portraying Paris of Troy!.

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2005

omg it was horrible, the story is boring, the acting sucks... well most of it, i can admit some acting was good. but the majority of the movie was dull and uninspired. far to few actions scenes and the main battle at the end seemed boring and draged on. i found myself checkin my watch every 20min at about the hour mark i was so bored. i just couldn`t get into this movie even though i had looked forward to it so much.

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2005

This movie was amazing. SO meaningful, and SO accurrate. Orlando Bloom did an amazing job, and Ridley Scott has done it again!! I am a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge fan of historical films and this is one of the best. The music is beautiful, and the fighting scenes r so well crafted, it makes u feel as if ur in the battle urself!! I loved it, and if you havent seen this movie yet, i suggest u go see it...NOW! *Arista*

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2005

This movie is very nice. the view was very nice and the topic was very magnificent. I am impressed.

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2005

Wicked film. The best so far this year.

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2005

This was a great cinematic experience. Visually stunning, great characters and first-rate acting. I was worried that Orlando Bloom might not be able to carry a movie of this magnitude, but he has definitely matured and pulled it off beautifully. Ridley Scott deserves his status as an icon of film. This is impressive stuff.

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2005

go see it, it`s worth it!!! i expected a lot and i was satisfied!

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2005

the movie was average - a little on the boring side

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

kingdom of heaven was an excellent movie..well shot, directed, and acted...orlando bloom showed that he can be known for more then just the lord of the rings was a bit historically inaccurate at times...but nothing is perfect..once again...amazing the same category as gladiator

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

Awsome movie. I was always waiting for a movie about crusaders. I really liked how the directors sticked to the "real" story for once, not like in some historic battle movies i saw. Anyways it was very good. Hope they come up with more.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

Very, very good. After being utterly dissappointed with Troy, and worrying that Ridley Scott would portray the Crusader Knights too kindly in an effort to cater to the religious right, the people that made The Passion of The Christ a blockbuster, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie. I should have had more faith in Mr. Scott and his directorial skill and vision. Any christians complaining about the protrayal of certain members of the crusade have not studied the era or read anything on it, period. Good movie, I`d give it 4-4.5 stars

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

The 2nd best movie from Ridley Scott and Orlando Bloom was great. Both of them made an Oscar nomination movie of this year.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005


User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

This movie is amazing. I loved how a movie that has so much to offer visually can still be rich in the content of it. It`s honest and I liked that about it. Ridley Scott, I think has finally beaten the curse that`s been put on movies like this since Gladiator. The acting is wonderful by the entire cast and for those who only go to see this movie because of Orlando Bloom, you`re in for a treat because he`s more than just a pretty face in this one.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

Amazing, Orlando Bloom can act!! his insperation speech near the final battle in the movie was very acted. and his whole performance right when his first scene arives was so well done! (when he meets his father) the plot and storyline was so filled with caricters and life. This is like watching a whole life in a matter of 2 hours, ver well done.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

It was simply Outstanding!!! What a good film.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

this is the worst movie ever made

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

Don`t read the coment that says "plain and simple worst movie ever", this person wrote it before he even saw the movie. I know him and he was just joking around. In fact it is the most amazing movie ever, I can`t wait to buy it on DVD.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

(FYI I`m 29/f/teacher) I thought Kingdom of Heaven was fantastic. The script was rich and meaningful. We are all called to live by Truth. I really appreciated the many perspectives from which Ridley Scott chose to portray Christianity - instead of showing it from the typical very wrong angle (the one that makes real Christians look like asses). Living in this world is never easy, but we always have the choice to do what is right - and no one can take a man`s (or woman`s) soul. Go see it. It`s worth your time.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

I liked the movie very much. Great visuals and well written script. Acting was also impressive, a nice departure from shallow and plot-less movies I have recently seen out in the theatres. Worth the time and money. And of course O. Bloom, well he is very easy on the eyes and I must say that he is getting better and better looking with each movie I see him in. Who would of thought that the elf could turn into a mega babe.

User review rating: 0 May 07, 2005

Awesome! Orlando was amazing, yes the man can act!!

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

This is an amazing film, the crusades were destined to be shown on film someday, and i`m glad they did a great job with it.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

plain and simple worst movie EVER!!!!!! . rgv

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

Way out there.....Mr. Scott and company have down it again. This film is zizzlin` with great stuff. Check it out!!!!

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

Orlando is hotter than ever in this flick!

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

Gruesome. Totally gruesome.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

Perhaps the most realistic film out this year. It has a strong visual style that will at least intrigue viewers.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

The experience of watching this film is like witnessing the events themselves. It feels that authentic. A little inaccurate in places, but that`s still cool, because these kind`s of movies are rare now`a days. I thouroghly enjoyed myself with this picture.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

Don`t be reading this, go see it for yourself right now, right this miniute. It`s so amazing to watch on screen. The sounds and visuals will haunt you alone, and the score is just as riveting. Check it out.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

SEE IT! I`d say you`ll enjoy yourself.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

The world engulfs you in. It feels so real, and authentic. It`s Radical!

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005


User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

Meticulous in its crafting, down to the armor, swords and vision. Kindom of heaven won`t be liked by all, but at least it`s an awesome film to say the least. Just enjoy it with no stings attached.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

SPECTACULAR! I must say this movie was real good. There`s many who won`t agree to this comment, but that`s okay, because the majority have already said it`s excellent, and it shows on screen. Way to go Ridly Scott!

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

FREAKIN` AWESOME! Eva Green is beautifl. The film is like a new Lawrence of Arabia. It`s Great!

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

WOW! It`s a good film. I`d say check it out for yourself.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

AWESOME! The visuals live up to Ridly Scott. Every frame is like a painting, a giant canvas. Check this movie out for yourself, if you like period peices, you`ll surly enjoy this great peice of cinema. It`s so much fun to watch. ENJOY!

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

BRILLIANT! Only through the fantastic void of Ridly Scott can these types of films be made and still be enjoyable. He is perhaps the likings of Sir David Lean himself, the next generational director who brings large canvases back into the cinemas. What an achievement! Even though many will not agree, I always find Ridly`s work to be highly innovative with visuals and quality. He is simply a marvelous film maker.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005

The movie is extremely good. I would say that it is the first movie ever that is not biased. There was only one historical mistake in this movie, Saladin actually managed to get into the city and then he gave the poeple of Jerusalem the choice to stay in Jerusamlem or leave unharmesd. It turned that a lot of christians decided to stay and move on with their life. That is why a good percentage of the current arab population in Jerusalem are christians.

User review rating: 0 May 06, 2005


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