Shutter Island - User Reviews

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3.79 / 5

User rating: 3.79

Based on 491 votes and 152 reviews

  • User rating: 3.79 53.16%
  • User rating: 3.79 12.66%
  • User rating: 3.79 10.13%
  • User rating: 3.79 8.44%
  • User rating: 3.79 15.61%

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Showing 101 to 150 of 152

User review rating: 2 February 22, 2010

terrible movie-good acting but storyline was pitiful-quite depressing actually-what were they thinking

User review rating: 5 February 22, 2010

This was the best movie that my husband and I have seen in a very long time. Everything about this movie lived up to the reputation of academy award winners. Now I really want to read the book!!

User review rating: 5 February 22, 2010

This movie was fabulous, and Leo was brilliant. His acting cannot be compared with anything. The only thing that can be said is that Leonardo is one of the best and most believabe actors. He should get the Oskar for this kind of acting. Bravo!

User review rating: 5 February 22, 2010

Finally inteligent and GREAT movie! It is not for everybody. It is for real thinking movie lover. Leo is incredibly talanted actor who makes you a beliver in the power of the cinema. This film must be seen.

User review rating: 1 February 21, 2010

The facts? The movie includes language and behavior that is modern day, people didn't talk like that in 54, so that's a distraction. No surprise about the graphic violence its Scorcese! Not for the faint of heart. And the smoking, yeah we get it, there were NO nonsmokers, we've all seen Mad Men. Opinion: The hyper-realism... See More of stuff like the repeated striking of matches, like bombs going off, tiresome/boring. The "twist" at the end, I was on to that about half way through, about the same time I started to bore of it all. One of the things about actors is they are asked to commit to the role, Well DiCaprio commits even though what he is asked to do is weak at best. Some of the shot

User review rating: 5 February 21, 2010

If Avatars story was this good it would deserve to still be in the theaters. Special affects are nice, but this is a good movie!

User review rating: 5 February 21, 2010

It wasn't what I expected, but was pleasantly surprised. I thought it would be a supernatural thriller that might leave a brown spot on your seat, but it wasn't really scary and more like a mind bending mystery. I thought it was suspenseful and was engaged the whole movie trying to figure out the twists. I like how they left the movie to your imagination at the end by leaving it sort of up in the air. I wouldn't normally want to sea a movie twice, but the twist at the end of this movie leaves it so you could enjoy it the second time in a new light without it being spoiled by knowing the ending. I thought the acting was good. I don't agree with anyone who says De Caprio can't act.

User review rating: 1 February 21, 2010

i didnt really enjoy it, confusing, found that there was no point to it , ending was an ending that made no sence .

User review rating: 4 February 21, 2010

Somehow I got mixed feelings about this one .. I felt at some point that it was slow(i.e. the beginning), then I felt that the suspense was good to keep you watching .. and at the end, after thinking about the whole thing, I liked the story. It is a good movie, worth watching, but you do need to have the time and the mind in the right set to enjoy it. It's a bit more than 2hrs, but at the end, you will be glad you sat through the whole thing ..

User review rating: 0 February 21, 2010

this movie was great and full of suspense. whoever is saying they didnt understand what was going on sure isn't too bright in my opinion. :)

User review rating: 5 February 21, 2010

First movie in a long time you have no idea where the story will lead. Its a edge of your seat ride that pases itself perfectly...if your any normal educated person you WILL NOT find it confusing...there is actually nothing confusing about this just have to listen...and the ending conclusion will rattle your mind. Best Thriller to come out in quite some time.

User review rating: 2 February 21, 2010

Very disappointing.....

User review rating: 4 February 21, 2010

One of the most intense, dark, and twisted films I have seen in a while. Despite what critics are saying, DiCaprio brings high-calibre acting to the role, and Mark Ruffalo and Ben Kingsley supplement this. Well worth your money if you don't mind leaving the theatre shaky and agitated.

User review rating: 1 February 21, 2010

The facts? The movie includes language and behavior that is modern day, people didn't talk like that back then, so that's a distraction. No surprise about the graphic violence its Scorcese! Not for the faint of heart. And the smoking, yeah we get it, there were NO nonsmokers, we've all seen Mad Men. Opinion: The hyper-realism of stuff like the repeated striking of matches, like bombs going off, tiresome/boring. The "twist" at the end, I was on to that about half way through, about the same time I started to bore of it all. One of the things about actors is they are asked to commit to the role, Well DiCaprio commits even though what he is asked to do is weak at best. Some of the shots were v

User review rating: 5 February 21, 2010

Such a great movie! It was very suspenseful and had a very interesting story line. Very intelligent and thought provoking. Definitely worth seeing!

User review rating: 2 February 21, 2010

Slow pace, convoluted plot and an unsatisfying ending.

User review rating: 5 February 21, 2010

Leo and Scorcese do it yet again, this time a psychological thriller that will literally blow your mind

User review rating: 2 February 20, 2010

Very predictable movie. Acting was decent but MANY scenes could have been shortened or completely deleted because they were absolutely irrelevant to the movie and just contributed towards the movie becomming longer and longer. Overall, I would wait until this movie comes out on dvd and can be rented instead for half the price. Save yourself 10 dollars and 2.5 hours of your time.

User review rating: 5 February 20, 2010


User review rating: 5 February 20, 2010

Haven't seen such an unexpected,suspensful, movie like this in years. I believe if you don't go see Shutter Island,its your loss. Makes the mind think!

User review rating: 2 February 20, 2010

ending was a very confusing, bizzare

User review rating: 3 February 20, 2010

It was okay, it quite comfusing, but it had a great twist. I felt it could of been better.

User review rating: 2 February 20, 2010

The movie dragged at some points. The cinematography was not great- something out of the 80s for sure. The ending was a bit unclear- Anyway, I would not watch this in theaters- and it was disturbing to watch too!

User review rating: 2 February 20, 2010

not what I thought it would be!

User review rating: 4 February 20, 2010

This movie builds up to what is predictable but it is done with suspense, bold acting, and creative psychological challenge all with brilliant acting and supporting cast. It is a wonderful viewing for the mature film viewer.

User review rating: 5 February 20, 2010

This movie was very well done and anyone who is saying its too "confusing" and didn't have a clear ending is clearly not the brightest crayon in the box because if you actually use your brain, its quite clear what happens at the end.

User review rating: 1 February 20, 2010

If you like depressing movies about crazy people, this is the one to see. Otherwise, it's a waste of ten bucks, as was the case for me. I was surprised DeCaprio went along with this idiotic script.

User review rating: 2 February 20, 2010

Wow... I wish they had released it in November so by now the stink of this film would be gone .... What were they thinking... Painful at 2hrs++ (last 20 minutes was okay).. but the middle 90.. you have no clue what's going on!.. big disappointment..

User review rating: 1 February 20, 2010

Terrible. Boring, weird and stupid. I was surprised that a fair amount of people actually liked this.

User review rating: 1 February 20, 2010

garbage movieee waste of my timee

User review rating: 5 February 20, 2010

pretty intense movie!

User review rating: 5 February 20, 2010

great movie

User review rating: 0 February 20, 2010

great movie! acting was top notch :)

User review rating: 1 February 20, 2010

Worst movie he has ever made. Completely predictable, boring and lame. Used some historical events which in the end had NOTHING to do with the main character. Poorly made and you could even spot all the CGI in the film. DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM!

User review rating: 1 February 20, 2010

okay this movie is awful. its totally predictable and te music sounds like its from the 80's.HORRIBLE , wait for video

User review rating: 4 February 20, 2010

Good psychological thriller with a great twist at the end. The movie will make feel uneasy the entire time introducing sinister feeling. It is not your typical police thriller so don't go there expecting that. If you enjoy mind games then it is quite entertaining.

User review rating: 5 February 20, 2010

It's the kind of movie you will want to watch twice!!!

User review rating: 2 February 20, 2010

I can't rate the acting by the actors but I'll give them 5 stars! It was Very good in the 1st 1/2 of the moveie but the last 1/2 got pretty Boring! It wasn't That scary at all. Things were made to appear as if they were. Kind of the same plot but with an entirely different twist to it! It will surprize you as one reviewer said. But the ending was left up in the air. So there really wasn't to much of an ending. I was expecting more of an ending and then it abruptly ended. Perhaps to make a sequel? I give it 2 stars for the foul language in the beginning of the movie and the Unnecessary part where it looked like violence to Children, in an extreme gross way!!

User review rating: 0 February 20, 2010

excellent movie, never read the book, but this movie was so good and freaky at the same time. i would recommend this movie to everyone, loved it

User review rating: 1 February 20, 2010

The only thing scary in this movie is how bad it is.

User review rating: 3 February 20, 2010

Maybe its a great movie, but I dont know...its too confusing....a good movie shouldn't have such boring sections followed by more confusing sections...ending with ambiguity....i mean is the guy insane or do we have some evil doctors here? I dont more than 3 stars...i really suffered throughout this rather bizare movie...

User review rating: 5 February 20, 2010

Leonardo DiCaprio's acting gets better with every movie. This guy really proves he's the real deal in this movie!! This movie was made JUST right, capturing all the moods, tones, imagery that it was meant to! I know it was based on a book and blhablahbalh not as good as the book some would say, but this movie was great!!! just perfect execution by scorcese and dicaprio!

User review rating: 3 February 19, 2010

Just ok, thought it would be better.

User review rating: 5 February 19, 2010

i loved this movie. Leo was amazing as always, and i was totally dragged into it. it had an awesome ending, and was suspenseful the entire way through. Would definitely see it again. when will this man win an oscar!!

User review rating: 2 February 19, 2010

Just saw the movie, save your money & time. Too long, too self-indulgent, lacks clarity of plot & script. Hadd serious thoughts of walking out in the first extremely boring hour.

User review rating: 5 February 19, 2010

Bravo Best movie of the year, it will leave you in a dark place wanting origional..

User review rating: 5 February 19, 2010

After seeing such bad movies lately like Valentine and From Paris with Love I thought I'd give up on Cinema all together after all who wants to see another shallow star F'er..Well this movie Redeems my Faith GO SEE IT...Leanardo nailed this suspence filled movie, it takes you into the for front of the movie as if your involved youself, the charecters nail it, it's excecuted very well..YOU will LOve It...

User review rating: 2 February 19, 2010

Starts well,middle falls apart,and a lousy ending.Plot twists are interesting when used well,but this takes the cake .Waste of acting talent and will probably be on video in two weeks.What were you thinking Leonardo,Mark,Ben and Elias?The trailers for this film are quite bad as Wickerman!

User review rating: 5 February 19, 2010

Pretty damn good movie. There is a slight effect with the camera sometimes that makes you feel like you are out of it, but it was so subtle, was a good idea. I left the movie wondering if I was in a different world myself.

User review rating: 0 February 19, 2010

5 stars!!!

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