The Men Who Stare at Goats - User Reviews

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The Men Who Stare at Goats Movie Poster

2.90 / 5

User rating: 2.90

Based on 244 votes and 72 reviews

  • User rating: 2.90 33.04%
  • User rating: 2.90 13.91%
  • User rating: 2.90 4.35%
  • User rating: 2.90 6.96%
  • User rating: 2.90 41.74%

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Showing 51 to 72 of 72

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

This movie is a complete waste of time. The whole movie was about them explaining about why they where doing whatever the hell they where doing in the movie in the middle of a desert.

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

make sure u bring something with u to do, maybe a crossword puzzle or even knitting a scarf would be more interesting than wasting your money on this movie.

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009


User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

what a complete waste of time and money.The actors (george clooney Especially) should be ashamed at misleading the public who support the movie industry

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

Those who didn't like the movie, just diodn't get it. It was over their heads. I never laughed so hard at a mvie in a long time. It was hilarious. You have to know a bit about the New Age Movement to understand the humour.

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

Sometimes the title is a tip off.Just goofy! No plot, no message, no reason to be there. Worst I've seen this year. So much talent, yet so little point to it all. When the goats steal the movie,you got a bomb! Is Hollywood finally imploading?

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

It was hilarious

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

very disappointing. great actors, very poor story, in fact it wads a stupid story.

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

Funniest movie I've seen in years and it will particularly appeal to anyone tuned into 60s/70s counter-culture - I ideally over age 40. Previous reviewers obviously weren't in this group.

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

This might just be the surprise Oscar(tm) winner of the year! And the goat just might get the nod for best supporting actor! This movie was brilliant on so many levels with a highly original plot, interesting and well presented characters, and enough humour to kill a goat. This is surely on of the best movies of the year and will be award-hunting come February!

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

This movie is crap, complete waste of time and money!!!!! I want my money back!!!!

User review rating: 0 November 08, 2009

One of the worst movies in this century.

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2009

great movie! the humour is very subtle, the cast was fantastic. I "got it" so I guess that's why I thought it was so good - soundtrack took me back,too.

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2009

Clooney at his most hilarious and a great supporting cast. If you don't get this movie, you just don't get "it".

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2009

Very funny movie

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2009

If I could rate it lower I would, it wasn't very funny, quite boring, and weird. Don't even know that I would have watched it for free.

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2009

Maybe if you're high this movie is fun to watch!!

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2009

they are running our of ideas for movies...not sure where they got the idea for this one but it was bad!!!! Should have known it would be bad just by the name

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2009

I didn't get it... what was the whole point of the movie? Felt like a waste of money. Wait until the DVD folks.

User review rating: 0 November 06, 2009

A few funny moments but this movie never lead to anything meaningful. Expect a quick DVD/rental release.

User review rating: 0 November 06, 2009

This movie stinks!

User review rating: 0 November 06, 2009

This is the best example of a Clooney moustache in the entire filmography of Clooney. Nicely done.

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