Unplanned - User Reviews

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4.12 / 5

User rating: 4.12

Based on 1664 votes and 488 reviews

  • User rating: 4.12 76.85%
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  • User rating: 4.12 21.43%

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User review rating: 1 April 14, 2019

No all abortions are for rid off of unwanted pregnancies. There are also medical reasons. This movie is criminalizing all women.

User review rating: 3 April 14, 2019

Just a thought as i read through the comments... i am taken aback by the harshness of words, attacks on beliefs from some 1* writers. Just food for thought here... i believe a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with HER body. ( tatoo it, prostitue it, honor it... ) But in case you missed the beginning of the film... does she have a right to destroy the body of her BABY inside her? Why is it only a baby when you want to keep it?

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

UNPLANNED...kudos!!! A production that judiciously represents both sides of a heated and divisive issue. Tastefully done. Thank you Abby Johnson for sharing your story. Now in my 50s, and a woman who had 2 abortions - at 16 and 19 - I can say after working through my own healing process, if i could change one thing in my past, it would be to not have put myself in that position by having sex before i even had an inkling of what intimacy is. The value of a true love relationship, and intimacy were sold short and prematurely during the quest to be an adult before my time. (Though i didnt know it then) True love waits. The only sure fire way to have prevented the murder of my 2 children would have been to keep the poker out of the fire. The excessive pressure in our cultrue on sex for screwing, the bombardment of sexuality everywhere, the desire for instant gratification, and thoughtlessness of "me" and "my needs" over everthing that proliferates in our society is working against us. Big time. I can't condemn. I can empathize and sympathize. UNPLANNED is a reality check... a check on what really happens.

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

A true story that exposes the agenda of the Abortion Industry(Specifically PP) and the Power of Prayer in non-confrontational style of protesting. We as the Church are finally learning that this holocaust is of the nature of spiritual warfare and we cannot legislate it away in the political arena. I agree with a review that said "Unplanned" will be to Abortion, what "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was to Slavery. I pray that God uses this story to finally bring this horrible act against the unborn to the thought of, "Imagine Abortion Unthinkable"! This holocaust must end if we are to survive as a nation and spare Gods judgement on our country.

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

It was a great movie that handled such a tender subject with love and caring. I've talked to a few people who have had abortions who felt the movie carried much healing for them.

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

From a man's point of view, It would be beneficial, compassionate and eye opening for men to see this movie and get an insight into what many women go through, or have been through. There is no shaming in this movie, it is a compassionate true story of one Woman's life and work, that involves both sides of the issues of unplanned pregnancies.

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

Amazing and well done. Should be rated PG.

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

All should see this movie ~ regardless of your views. This is the real story. You can face the truth or delude yourself. Spoken as a Cardiac Health Professional.

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

Truthful, honest, did not attack or denigrate, loving, necessary

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

loved the truth isfinally getting out! How can God bless a country that kills the unborn innocent lives ! thank you for producing the movie

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

This is a very realistic move about planned parenthood, what it stands for, and it’s first priority to make money from abortion. It seems incredulous to me that a 15 year old young girl can get an abortion without parental consent, but is not allowed to watch this movie. I believe all high school kids should be required to watch this movie.

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2019

TRUTH! Whether you choose to believe it or not. Love does win in this movie.

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

Unplanned is the truth that needs to be seen by all, Praying this movie will be the end of legal abortions.

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

I found it to be an eye opening experience. I theoretically understood what abortion is, but it was heart wrenching to watch as the baby trying to get away from probing tubing inserted in woman's uterus to kill the baby. I found it moronic that a 15 year old can get an abortion without parental consent, but she can't watch this movie without parental consent. What is that all about

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

Riveting eye-opening must see movie!

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

Powerful must see movie!

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

So...IF you've read the reviews below, you have a good idea what this movie is about. I happen to think the movie was well done. That's my perspective. If you are a sold out "Pro-Choice" believer I sincerely doubt this movie will change your mind. (although the experience DID change Abby Johnson's!) The kind of "it's MY BODY and I can do whatever I want with it." mindset. I guess you can. But when you CHOOSE to take steps that cause you to create a BABY in your body...someone else's life gets involved. It's NOT "JUST A BLOB of tissue". It is forming to be a complete person and in a matter of weeks it has a heart beat and can feel pain, as this movie shows. So no matter what your opinion is about abortion...you should do yourself the favor of seeing this movie, just so you have the real facts about abortion....Not the stuff that huge, for profit companies like Planned Parenthood tell it's patients so they can make more money off the misfortune of others. "They say" there are 3 "losers" in an abortion. The woman, the man...and the BABY! Final thought. With it's R-rating it's interesting that a 15 yr. old can get an abortion without telling her parents, but can't attend this movie without them. Something is wrong with that! You should go see what that is!

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

Must see for all.

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

Very powerful movie! Everyone needs to see this movie no matter what view they have on abortion!

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

very good message that everyone should hear and face.

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019


User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

well done, very powerful message

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

True story and moving testimony of an abortion clinic Director. The murder of innocence and a real horror film.

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

Rating this movie appears to be 1* ... if u believe in abortion anytime, and 5*s...if u believe in abortion should never be a choice. As clearly as any issue in our culture, we see the division in America. However, if we interviewed all the ladies who have had abortions, do we find that they are happy of that decision. Do we think they don't ever wonder what their aborted baby would have looked like? Do we think abortion providers believe God is pleased they are serving God in this way--the God, who already knew that baby from conception? No, there are many Planned Parenthood directors, nurses, and Drs. who would like to walk away as Abby Johnson did in this movie. Be honest if you've had an abortion or been involved in abortion clinics! Get God's forgiveness, it's free--to those who desire it! Take yourself and your young people --middleschoooers and up--(even though it's R rated). God's hand is directing this movies outcome. If you rated it low, take it up with God's directorship.

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

I've grown fond of movies with some basis in truth. UnPlanned focuses on the process by which a 'good christian girl' gets to be a PP clinic director, blind to the lies she's had to tell herself and others. The actual process of abortion isn't the focus–it's a tale of one woman's gradual co-option into killing babies. The movie doesn't overplay its hand here. It's one woman's story and every American's call to action. PS: The upscale theater in Westbrook must have had a leaky roof. My shirt was all wet when I left. I looked twice at the 'select your age' thingie. I stuck with the truth after all.

User review rating: 5 April 12, 2019

"1 star idiots" are like maggots drawn to dead meat. They don't reason, They're drawn to the truth, only to distort it & deny it. All they do is go on the attack & slander a movie whenever it depicts the TRUTH (facts) of which is not in line with their view. I can see them in the cheering section ; You have the right (under the law of course) to choose; Life or Death. I didn't see any one tell the young women what to do. I saw some people with compassion offer to help those in need . What state would the world be in, if not for us "bleeding hearts". To all the "1 star idiots; who have you EVER offered to help? "Planned Parenthood" is a misnomer ; it sounds to me like we're here to help you plan - yes abortion, not parenthood. If killing will make us money (& we can do it legally), corporate America(not all) will be first in line. Since women can still choose to have an abortion, why are you mindless "1 ???? ??????" making such a fuss? My goodness, touchy. A proud member of the "Bleeding Hearts" club. All my Love, (even to the "1 stars") RH ps: the very nice person that would like to be gagged; learn how to spell.

User review rating: 5 April 11, 2019

You owe it to yourself to see this movie.

User review rating: 5 April 11, 2019

Excellent, inspirational, factually accurate ProLife film I’ve ever witnessed. Planned Parenthood’s lies and deceptions are exposed as Abbey Johnson converts (over 8 years) from ProChoice (aka Pro abortion) to ProLife!! Everyone who values life needs to support this film and please bring your teenage children or grandchildren with you (No reason for “R” rating)!!

User review rating: 1 April 11, 2019

Gag me with a wasted chunk of boring christian vomit. Went with my in-laws. Last time they drag me to their crappy movies. This Unplanned movie exactly on par with the stoopid Death of a Nation by the molester Dinesh disgusting. But waste yur money if this kind of touchy, feely stuff is yur cup of tang.

User review rating: 1 April 11, 2019

This is a poor movie! It's a contrived story that no one should bother viewing. Sadly, as you read the bulk of the comments it's easy to recognize those individuals who have decided they should be able to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies and ultimately with their lives. Most are right-wing, xtian nut jobs... and while they SOUND like they are full of "love" and "compassion", they aren't. They merely use this method to lure you in just as this movie poorly attempts to snag you with superficial pleas to an emotional core. As my fave prezidunce would say, SAD!

User review rating: 5 April 11, 2019

We are all humans, no matter how small. This movie showed how Planned Parenthood is not all about helping people. They are about the money and have little concern for women and no concern for babies. Hopefully this movie can put them out of business and save lives.

User review rating: 5 April 11, 2019

True story about the holocaust of our time. Hopefully hearts and minds will be changed with this movie.

User review rating: 5 April 11, 2019

It depicts the cruelty of abortion, the killing of innocent unborn babies, and the lies of planned parenthood. They are not for women or even women's health. All they are for is making money by killing babies.

User review rating: 5 April 11, 2019

I've had the opportunity to meet and talk with Abby when she just left PP and she was everything she has been depicted to be in the movie. I scrolled through 6 pgs of comments here and read every single one star comment posted, looking for some evidence that the writer had actually seen the movie Unplanned. As far as I can tell, none or at least only a few, had seen it. It's too bad, because they might be surprised that with perhaps the exception of the Clinic Director who preceded Abby and was her boss, the women who worked at PP are shown to be characters with whom the viewers can relate.

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

to learn the truth about planned parenthood and the abortion industry.

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

A very powerful and emotional movie! A must see for anyone who wants to understand the impact of abortion on all involved!

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

It is what it is. It is a true story. The truth is sometimes very hard to hear but we, each one, need to know the truth so that we are not misled by lies and manipulation. We are responsible for our decisions and the consequences of those decisions. This movie , though, does not judge but does give much hope.

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

There is no way to convey the truth about abortion without seeing it for yourself,and this film does just that to the viewer. The transformation of the main character from abortion advocate to pro life supporter only happens after she witnessed an abortion herself. A very heroic outcome.Showing the Procedure and it's aftermath is a tough dose of reality for the viewer. This film will change hearts. e.

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

There is no way to convey the truth about abortion without seeing it for yourself,and this film does just that to the viewer. The transformation of the main character from abortion advocate to pro life supporter only happens after she witnessed an abortion herself. A very heroic outcome.Showing the Procedure and it's aftermath is a tough dose of reality for the viewer. This film will change hearts. e.

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

Well done and a timely exposee on an industry that has left countless young women traumatized.

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

Excellent movie. Superb acting. Compassionate, non-judgemental, just shows the truth about Planned Parenthood. All high school (age 13 and up) and college students should see this film. No sex, violence, profanity, etc. Film should be rated PG-13, not R.

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

This is a great movie! It's a true story, everyone should see it. As you read the comments below it's easy to pick out those individuals who have hardened their hearts to murder. it's sad.

User review rating: 0 April 10, 2019

I'm a Canadian and its totally illegal to abort a live fetus after ten weeks in my country, An abortion at 13 weeks that's just sick! I think this movie over exaggerates. And if children are so important why does the U.S. president think it's a good thing to lock up migrant children and separate them from there families?

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

Loved it! So healing and true. I'm so glad someone was brace enough to share this. It will help so many.

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

Truth revealed; pray all will learn the truth... it is a baby not a blob of tissue and they feel pain, it is torture and murder, and needs to stop 😢💧💧💧🕊🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻??

User review rating: 1 April 10, 2019

This was one very goofy movie. Specious from beginning to end. It was impersonal and portrayed a dark side to America's conservative mess and it's current bend toward hate. But it DOES indirectly represent how the Republican Party, of which I'm no longer a member, has become the party of pro-birth and birth ONLY. After that, you're on your own. Regardless of the stellar IQ/ less than IQ /lower IQ that you were fortunately (or unfortunately) born to reach once attaining the age of reason, and later, full adulthood... YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. The director is as heinous as they come and clearly ZERO idea how to assemble a movie. Don't waste your hard earned money on this farce of a film.

User review rating: 1 April 10, 2019

All the comments about this movie being true are NOT accurate....YOU MAKE NO SENSE. "Unplanned" is based on a fairy tale. You need to wake up and realize that this movie represents one isolated case of millions, and further, it totally skews what really happened. This is a poorly acted, badly directed film. Zero stars

User review rating: 5 April 10, 2019

One of two (Hotel Mumbai ) powerfully moving true stories, (except this is legal killing) . A very thought provoking controversial film. After 8 years Abby is called into the procedure room to help & what she witnesses changes her life. Some, when they see the facts revealed, will slander & berate a movie, trying to portray it as biased or has an agenda for it's truth telling. (we all have an agenda in our best interest). I've seen it many times in the research I do & the reviews. Corporate motives is always about the "bottom line" & that's their ONLY agenda. While the pre-text is "Planned Parenthood" , sounds good, their real goal is to guide you to having an abortion. Some will poison the air, the Earth, the water & people if they can make a dollar, & have no conscience about it. AS LONG AS IT'S NOT AFFECTING THEM, directly or immediately. This is a Never Ending Story in America today. God will crush this country for its Idolatry of the dollar & exploiting people to get it. The pain of almost unbearable guilt can bring you to tears, so bring a tissue. Another great true story brought to the big screen. Love R.H.

User review rating: 5 April 09, 2019

Very true , very good movie

User review rating: 5 April 09, 2019

Nothing But The TRUTH!!!!!

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