War of the Worlds - User Reviews

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War of the Worlds Movie Poster

2.30 / 5

User rating: 2.30

Based on 23783 votes and 447 reviews

  • User rating: 2.30 30.62%
  • User rating: 2.30 1.59%
  • User rating: 2.30 1.13%
  • User rating: 2.30 0.77%
  • User rating: 2.30 65.89%

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User review rating: 0 July 04, 2005

I felt like being insulted watching this horrible movie. Listen Tom Cruise and Steven Speiburg... get the XXXX out of my life!! I will never watch movie with you guys in it.

User review rating: 0 July 04, 2005

Disgusting movie!!!

User review rating: 0 July 04, 2005

Pure TRASH!!!

User review rating: 0 July 04, 2005

The worst movie this year so far!!!!

User review rating: 0 July 04, 2005

I expected more from this movie. I was really excited to go and see it but was really disappointed by the end of it. Great effects but poor story development.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Worst movie ever. Wait for the video...better yet, don`t even see it then! I am certain you have something else to do with 2 hrs of your time. That was 2 hrs of my life that I will never get back.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Wrapped up in one word.....LAME!!

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

For those of you who can`t spell or have no sense of grammar, maybe you should think twice about your incoherent postings before annoying the rest of us with your jibberish.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

People who didn`t like this movie need to relax a little. It`s a movie, meant to entertain you, if you go in with expectations, you`ll always be disappointed. This movie had amazing special effects, plenty of scenes that left you on the edge of your seat and unlike most other movies of its kind, no cheesey one liners. Was Oscar worthy? No, but it was a fun summer movie.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Total hollywood crap. I paid my 8.50 to watch a summer block buster flick... lots of mindless explosions and special effects. Instead I got a guy running around with his daughter in people`s basements looking out the basement windows woundering what`s going on outside. Tim Robbins` character was completely unnecessary!! Seems like hollywood`s boy steve is just taking as much money as hollywood would give him before he decides he`s got enough money to retire to his own country...

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

This is a really great movie. It`s worth watching with great action and good acting. Not really a horror movie like some movie reviews say, but still very entertaining.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

I totally enjoyed it...very intense movie..only setback was the bad ending.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Too many special effects - not enough story. Tom Cruise and his kids could have died 10 times over - way too phony.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Never have I had as strong an urge to smack the movie characters for stupidity as the one I got while watching War of the Worlds. Do yourself a favor and rent Independence Day or see Batman Begins instead.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

I was very disappointed with this film. It was, I hate to say boring in parts as well as predictable What a let down Steven Spielburg could have done so much better than this

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

I thought this movie was amazing. love Tom Cruise and I love Speilberg, together they make a great peace of film. Hopefuly in the future I can get Tom to star in one of my movies.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Good, a solid 3 stars. True to the original, but missing some background. Go for the effects and the wonder, but read the book for a real thrill

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

It was alright, could have been better.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Best movie I`ve saw this year.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

War of the worlds was out of this world. Great movie. Some of the best acting i have seen from Tom Cruise in a while. Little Dakota Fanning is quite the actress. Action packed from beginning to end. For those people who didn`t get the ending, the next time you see a movie, open your eyes and unplug your ears.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Loved it. A bit disappointed in the ending but loved the rest. I would watch it again.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

This movie was T-rash, totally ruined the book!

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Wait for it to come out on DVD. Perhaps it`s because I was expecting something more, but this movie was disappointing. Unrealistic story line, bad acting, rushed scenes, HORRIBLE ending, and not enough information about the aliens or why they are doing what they are doing - makes this movie not worth the price of admission. Like I said before though, perhaps I was expecting too much. I wanted to see aliens get murked full of hot lead and ships blown to smitherines. Making a movie like this from the perspective of an average everyday Joe - not a good idea. Boo, not Boo-urns.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005


User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

I have to say, I haven`t read the original novel from 1898, but this is a good movie that brings the threat of invasion to the present. When Dakota says "is this a terrorist attack" you understand how revelant this movie is. For all those who don`t like it, well you probably don`t like the novel, because the essence of the novel and movie is the same. The ending, well, it had to be the way it was, beacause that`s how the novel said it happened...and if you didn`t like the ending well, how else could it have been...

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Just as I feared...it was 2 hours of my life I`ll never get back.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

I was a bit hesitant because of such a high percentage of bad reviews and then ended up being pleasantly surprised. The script stays acceptable close to H.G. Wells original intent - the story line is what Wells intended it to be. The effects are wonderful. It is a very good ride and worth the effort to see it. If you are looking for Star Wars don`t go - no cutsie robots or cuddly aliens. Cruise did a workman like job. No acting academy awards here but the script was not originally written by H.G. Wells to garner awards for actors. See it on the big screen.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Crappy movie. I never expect that from Tom and Steven.well, what else can I say, wish Tom marry soon.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

the movie over all was fantastic.....following the HG Wells story line. Only comment is the ending was quick, wonder if a dvd version will be extended? and i agree once again the aliens seem to cobble together supior tech but lack any knowledge. independence day comes to mind, using human made satalites? yeesh. not testing for biological desease. if you read the book battlefield earth(the movie ruined the books magesty) the aliens there released a biologic pathogen to kill of the humans. nuff said.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Loved it... I was on the edge of my seat the hole time.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Very exciting from beginning to end. But its just an ok movie. Will not buy the DVD.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

I wish I could say "I am a little disappointed", but I am more disappointed then little. The ending totaly ruined the entire movie.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

War of the worlds was one of the best movies this year. Even though most movies this year sucked, it was one of the few that were good. I would recommend going to see this if you like sci-fi movies. For those of you who couldn`t figure out the ending... well it`s not that hard to figure out... anyway go see this movie it`s well worth it.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

Over all a good movie,but some holes need too be pluged.There are a few things they don`t explain very well.ie--a video camera that works,when everything else does not,as well as a van??Don`t get me wrong,go see the movie for yourself and make up your own mind,but take my advice,rent the 1953 version and see what you think??

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2005

reminded me of jurassic park

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

I just saw the movie and thought it was great. i was disappointed by the ending but the rest of the movie was amazing so i can`t complain to much. alot of people have been saying if you payed attention to the movie you`d understand the ending... are u kiddin me? there`s nothing to understand the last 10 lines or so tell u exactly what happened, it ain`t that complicated. for a supposedly superior race with space travel and advanced technology they seemed kinda stupid to be taken out that way though..

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

Scence in this movie were dragged on unnecessarily. There were parts which needed to be explained that were rushed though. Dakota and Tom Cruise are awesome actors, however I did not like their characters in this movie. World of the Worlds did not utilze their abilities. The ending was stupid and very disappointing. My main issue was that they built up to what could have been an interesting ending yet they made it very anticlimatic. Picture this: Black screen.... and then the narators says, "this is how it ends".... THE END! VERY DISAPPOINTING

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

AMAZING MOVIE.. although, i didnt understand the end at all. it all just ended too abruptly! everything else was soo good though

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

Great movie! 5 stars, will go to see it again, for sure!

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

I would like to know why people would be tearing this INCREDIBLE movie down? Some say that the ending was a disappointment. Well, all I have to say to them is `PAY ATTENTION TO THE MOVIE AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE AWESOME MOVIE, OR BETTER YET GET AN EDUCATION!` I`m sorry to sound `rude` but people can be dumb at times and I can`t help but speak my mind. In other news, this movie is a must see! So COOL! haha. Loved it! My friend and I actually understood it! We paid attention. :P - 5 STARS

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

It was just ok

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

I`ll give it 3 stars... the movie had me from beginning to almost the end... I loved it, but then hated it. I won`t be seeing this one again. The ending ruined the movie!

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

I can`t say it was a super bad movie, however I was disapointed in the story line and acting provided by Tom Cruise!! I would expect better from this director and actor! This is a very unoriginal blockbuster movie that is nothing but hype! I know the story of how this book was first introduced (by radio) and I think that was effective enough...adding a big director name and big (overexposed) actor to the story just made it cheesy and typical holywood crap. If your into action/special effects movie with a mediocre story lines (like Spiderman) you might enjoy this movie better than me!

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

Well, I am a little disappointed. The movie was ok - but the ending was very disappointing.

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

War of the Worlds is the greatest movie of the year. It was totally worth seeing in theatre. The acting and special affects were amazing.A 5 star movie.

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

A farily good film. I think Steven and company addapeted H.G Wells most beloved story with new insights. Though at times the story does feel dissosiated from the rest of the world presented here. I m not sure if the film works in it`s entirty....see it for yourself?

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

deja vu. I was reminded of Independence Day watching this. Actually, if you want to find out what the average Joe did while Will Smith kicked alien butt, then this is your movie. My only beef with this is how, once again, the aliens get owned by their own short sightedness. sigh. . . Bring on some smart aliens next time! 4 stars for good acting, good visuals, nice plot, dumb aliens, and a few discrepencies concerning EMP effects.

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

First half of the movie was just amazing. The story line could have used some work, the movie didn`t flow too well. The ending was quick, but it did make sense somewhat. It certainly wasn`t the ending I expected to see.

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

Just because you don`t understand the ending, does not mean it was a bad movie. Maybe if you paid attention to what was going on, instead of deciding what to write in your bad review, you would have gotten it. This was a great flick overall, keeping you on the edge of your seat throughout. I was impressed.

User review rating: 0 July 02, 2005

Great special effects..... That`s about it

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